Acoustic Strummer is a style and sampled instruments package for Yamaha and Korg Pa arrangers, specially created to realistically simulate acoustic guitar strumming.
Dynamix Styles 3 is a package with 10 universal styles and sampled instruments created specifically for pop music.
Dynamix Styles LIVE is a pack of 11 universal styles, audio loops and sampled instruments made for South-East Europe folk music.
Dynamix Styles XL is a style and sampled instruments package made of 25 universal styles for pop and folk music.
Dynamix Styles 1 & 2 as a style and sampled instrument pack that contains 18 universal styles and sampled instruments made for South-East Europe folk music.
Dynamix Styles FOLK is a style and sampled instruments package made for South-East Europe folk and pop music.
Dynamix Styles CLUB is a style and sampled instruments package designed for South-East Europe pop and folk music in mind.
Dynamix Styles 123 LIVE is a compilation of 3 universal style packages for South-East Europ folk and pop music, but now gathered around just one drum kit and bass guitar: LIVE Drums and LIVE Bass.