Yamaha PSR SX900 / SX700/ SX600

  • Pan Flute

    Pan Flute is a sampled instrument made with two velocity layers. Lower layer is more subtle and it is triggered by playing soft, while upper layer is with stronger attack and it is triggered by playing harder.
  • Twelve String Guitar is a sampled instrument made with two velocity layers. Lower layer is more subtle and it is triggered by playing soft, while upper layer is with stronger attack and it is triggered by playing harder.
  • Irish Fiddle is sampled with actual instrument's imperfections which makes it sound very realistic and live.
  • Dynamix Flute is a sampled instrument made with two velocity layers, one with natural tone with vibrato, and another one with overblown tone for maximum realism and playability.
  • Dynamix Styles XL is a style and sampled instruments package made of 25 universal styles for pop and folk music.
  • Irish Whistle is a sampled instrument package that contains two sounds: Irish Whistle, Irish Whistle HI
  • Dynamix Styles FOLK is a style and sampled instruments package made for South-East Europe folk and pop music.
  • Dynamix Banjo is a sampled instrument package made of 3 Banjo sounds: Banjo Mono, Banjo Stereo, Simple Banjo
  • Dynamix Styles 123 LIVE is a compilation of 3 universal style packages for South-East Europ folk and pop music, but now gathered around just one drum kit and bass guitar: LIVE Drums and LIVE Bass.
  • Dynamix Styles LIVE is a pack of 11 universal styles, audio loops and sampled instruments made for South-East Europe folk music.
  • Dynamix Styles 1 & 2 as a style and sampled instrument pack that contains 18 universal styles and sampled instruments made for South-East Europe folk music.
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