
Dynamix Audio Accordion Samples

Accordion samples are one of the most wanted sample libraries, as accordion is one of the most instantly recognisable musical instruments. It has been mostly associated with folk music of various nations, but in recent history, it has also been used by various modern musicians and bands, especially those that combine folk with other different genres.

In our catalogue, we currently have on offer the Dynamix President accordion sample pack. This package samples the sound of an excellent, 35 years old Guerrini President accordion. This gives it off an incredibly authentic and genuine sound, unlike other accordion samples. Furthermore, the Dynamix President sample pack has three layers, the first of which has a real tone with attack, while the second and third tones have the key on and key off sounds respectively. Of course, the sounds of this magnificent instrument were recorded using 2 professional microphones in an adequately prepared recording room.

This pack was created to be used in a variety of different Yamaha, Korg and Roland keyboard models, including but not limited to the Yamaha Genos, Yamaha PSR SX900/SX700, Korg Pa2X Pro, Roalnd E-A7 and more.

If you find yourself interested in this pack, can we recommend you check out some of our other sample packs as well? For example, our Ethno Winds pack would go great with the accordion sounds! The Ethno Winds pack is a collection of samples of various brass instruments mostly used in folk music and which help bring the wild nature of South Eastern Europe to life.

  • Dynamix President is the finest sample of a Guerrini President accordion made out of an excelent 35 years old accordion which gives it that traditional Guerrini sound.
  • Dynamix SET V1

  • Dynamix SET V2

  • Giglad


    Complete comes with all the features that Giglad has to offer.

    Stage comes with our native sound library and with 300 re-voiced styles, but without VST instruments, effects, and MIDI out support. Studio allows you to use VST instruments and effects, but our native sound library and the re-voiced stylesare not included.
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